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Harmful to pathogens, safe to use in occupied spaces

Frixos Georgallides

UV Medico’s Far-UVC lamp consists of a tube filled with krypton chloride gas. This gas has the unique property of emitting UVC-light at 222 nm when a discharge is applied to it. When the lamp is turned on, electricity creates a discharge that excites the gas and after a short period, UVC light at 222 nm is emitted.

A Far-UVC lamp without a filter emits light in a narrow band around a 222 nm peak, but also releases secondary emissions around 235 nm and 250 nm. These extra wavelengths are known as side-bands or side-emissions. These wavelengths harm humans, but the unique and patented safety filter in UV222 blocks them before they are emitted into the surrounding environment.

The safety filter technology in the lamp from UV Medico is a thin filter that only lets through light at around 222 nm and blocks all other unwanted radiation. It works much in the same way as sunglasses with UV protection, blocking the UV radiation from passing through and entering the environment, making the light from UV222 suitable for use in occupied spaces.

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